Nutrition Network

Today, I enrolled in a course from the Nutrition Network: Sports Nutrition. There are a number of courses that could lead to membership in the Society of Metabolic Health Practitioners (SMHP) but this could add to the accreditation process for particular designations, and eventually to utilization of their logo. But more than anything, I am looking to learn about my nutrition in relation to sports and training. I am currently at mile 10 of Galloway’s run/walk method, and training for the Honolulu Marathon on December 9th this year. My main concern is to prevent injuries and for the marathon, I am working at a low-bar “to finish” goal. It has been a longtime goal to do my first marathon in Honolulu. This year will be its 50th anniversary. In this blog, I’ll share what I am learning related to low carb / ketogenic diets and training.

Amor Santiago